Gender Peculiarities of Self-Evaluation of Adolescents with Hearing Impairment

The article is devoted to the study of gender features of self-evaluation of adolescents with hearing impairment in comparison with conditionally healthy adolescents. The influence of gender features on self-appraisal in the group of healthy children and children with hearing impairment has been studied. The author has revealed the content nature of this influence and […]

The Game as a Preschooler's Leading Activity. The Twentieth Century: the Path from Creativity to Regulation

The article shows the terminological changes and accordingly the understanding and ways to organize the game as a leading activity in the conditions of kindergartens during the 20th century based on the analysis of documentary sources (normative docu­ments, periodicals, scientific literature, etc.). The author has designated reasons which de­termined these changes and gave the characteristics […]

Pedagogical Support of the Process of Socio-Professional Orientation of Junior Schoolchildren

The article focuses on the opportunity of optimizing the process of pedagogical support of early professional self-determination of students. The authors propose a model of the or­ganization of work on early professional orientation with children of primary school age. The model is based on an active use of elements of innovative infrastructure of Children's techno […]