«The right to Culture»: Experience in Integrating Museum Resources into the Educational Process

The article considers foreign practice of organizing integration between museums and educational institutions. The educational strategy «cultural entitlement» is regarded as a basis for such integration. The article includes the description of three organizational models of using museum resources in education: museum educational projects; museum educational environment; school curriculum and syllabus based on museum approach.

Study of Motivational Types of Students of a Physical Training and Sports University in the Context of Improving the Educational Process

The article considers the issues of educational motivation of students. The results of research of motivational types of students specialized under the programs of physical training and sport are described. The authors discussed possibilities of considering the taking into account the motiva­tional features of students for optimization of educational process in the higher school.

Model of Training Specialists in Supervision of Activity-Related Educational Practices

Implementation of activity-related approach in institutionalized and open forms re­quires specialists ready to supervise activity-related educational practices, assist teachers in the diagnosis and formation of subject-matter competences and meta-subject learning ef­fects. In this study, an attempt was made to construct a comprehensive model for the training of such specialists.

Trends and Models of Vocational Guidance Development

The article describes the change of trends that occurred in the XXI century in the la­bour market and associated with the active development of digitalization of all spheres of human life, including artificial intelligence. Modern tendencies in the sphere of edu­cation and vocational guidance are presented. Models reflecting the history and current status of career […]