Features of Construction Manuals in the Conditions of Integrative and Modular Approach to Teaching Discrete Mathematics

The paper considers the issues related to the development of new generation of textbooks in conditions of integrative and modular approach to teaching mathematics. Functions of these textbooks are pointed out, the requirements to their structure and content are formulated. The appropriateness of their modular construction is proved. The necessity to point out a fundamental […]

Meaningful Life Orientations and Gender Identity of Students of Pedagogical Specialties

The article is devoted to an actual problem of modern psychology that is the study of the mechanisms and regularities of the search, finding and implementation by the in­dividual meaning of life, its differential properties, as well as gender and age features. The paper presents the results of the diagnostics of features of meaningful life […]

The Interconnection between Features of Posing Problems and the Multidimensionality of Senior Pupils' and Students' Thinking

The article theoretically substantiates the introduction of concept of the multidimen-sionality of thinking with the aim to integrate approaches to the research of creativity, ac­cepted in Western studies of intellectual creativity, and dialectical thinking, which is stu­died in the framework of the structural and dialectical approach in domestic psychology. The author for the first time […]