Intracondition: the Fourth State of Consciousness

In the article, in the methodological context, the possibility of introducing a new con­cept to indicate the of state of consciousness accompanying the presence of the subject in an extreme situation and the situation of uncertainty. It is connected with adequate orientation in the current situation, building of a situational algorithm, making a decision and […]

Psychological Diagnostics of Students' and Teachers' and Parents' Attitude to School2

The article contains the main methodological positions of outstanding domestic psy­chologists (A.F. Lazursky, V.M. Bekhterev, M.Ya. Basov, V.N. Myasishchev, B.F. Lomov), who have formed theoretical approaches to the study of subjective relations of a personality. The system of parameters characterizing subjective relations is considered. A theoretical construct and a diagnostic apparatus of a methods for […]

Attention as a Criterion of Technical and Tactical Game Actions of Female Volleyball Players

The article presents the results of a study on the experimental development of tech­niques for developing attention in female volleyball players based on the control and ex­perimental groups. The study of technical and tactical game actions of female volleyball players in connection with the level of concentration of attention broadened the idea of the criteria […]